10 Creative Ideas for Naming a Fashion Blog without using the word Fashion

Basic descriptive keyword names are suited for some names but a lot of more adventurous bloggers prefer a cleverer and more sophisticated name for their blog.

Here are a bunch of innovative ideas with suggestions for anyone who’s looking for a name for a fashion related blog that’s all about leather clothing and footwear.

  1. Use generic words to describe your blog’s focus (ie ‘Skin Tight Leather’)
  2. Use a playful twist to your descriptive keywords (ie. ‘Skin Tight Feathers’)
  3. Use the suffix from Fashionista and attach it to your focus (ie ‘Leatherista’)
  4. Use a nice sounding alliteration like ‘Luscious Leather’ or ‘Stylish Skins’
  5. Combine two or more areas of your blog’s focus (ie ‘Leather & Lace’)
  6. Use a related theme such as animals (ie. ‘Sheepish Crocs & Cows’)
  7. Use a clever play on words that are relevant (ie ‘Hide & Skins’)
  8. Create a funny name like ‘Beather Loots’ for a blog about ‘leather boots’
  9. Use your own name or a pen name (ie ‘Leather Lucy’ or ‘Larry Leather’)
  10. Use a city name which is relevant (ie. ‘Seattle Skins’ or ‘Leathery London’)

Obviously, you can apply these ideas to create cool names for all kinds of blogs (in any other topic other than fashion, leathers or boots) as long as it makes sense.

For instance, the strategy of adding ‘ista’ as a suffix may be more suited to the fashion world since ‘fashionista’ is an existing and popular word. So, if you’re doing a food blog and you apply the same idea to create ‘foodista’, it may not have the same impact as adding ‘ista’ to a fashion related word.

Depending on how much of a perfectionist you are and your command of the English language (or the native language for your blog), you can spend lots of time to craft an amazingly creative and authentic name or just emulate a few ideas that you like and apply it to your niche to see what works best.

At the end of the day, just remember to have fun playing around with words to find your perfect name. The 10 suggestions above will certainly get you going, so get your thinking caps on and enjoy yourself.

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